To Save Time, PG&E Releases List Of California Cities Which Will Not Lose Power

LIFESTYLE | October 9th, 2019 6:09 AM

Leading up to Northern California’s dry wind event this week, PG&E began notifying residents across 30 counties that they may lose power in order to mitigate the fire threat. Although they had an entire team working around the clock to compile the list of cities which could be affected by the planned blackout, the energy company finally had to admit defeat and release the much smaller list of cities which would not lose power.

A PG&E spokesperson had this to say: “The task was just too much to handle. We clearly can’t handle even basic human safety; do you think we’re up to the task of typing a list of hundreds of items? Think of the typos involved!”

While the new list containing a mere 47 cities is admittedly much more easily digestible, it is not without its mistakes. Despite the abbreviated size, the Italian city of Rome and Rita Repulsa’s Moon Palace from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers have erroneously made the list. Although, technically those places are indeed safe from PG&E’s planned blackout.

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