SEO Tips From The Experts

TECHNOLOGY | September 27th, 2019 8:40 AM

So you want your website to be seen by billions of people just waiting to throw money at your dogs as frogs blog? Well, you’ve come to the right place. Below are five quick tips to improve your site’s Search Engine Optimization, or SEO.

1. Identify your IBAs

These are your essential sites, so monitor them closely.

2. Conserve space

Without sufficient space, you risk jeopardizing biodiversity.

3. Avoid collisions

A significant number of birds die each year due to human-related causes, including collisions with buildings.

4. Eliminate overfishing

Birds need to eat too! Not to mention the birds that accidentally get caught in fishing gear.

5. Observe

Birds are an indicator of climate change, so pay attention to their migratory patterns and note any changes to their population distribution.

Apply these tips and you’ll be on your way to SEO mastery. If you think you’re ready to delve into some more advanced topics, visit for more information. And be sure not to miss the Congreso de Ornitología in Cádiz, Spain from November 13th through 17th to hear some experts talk about SEO.

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