Ozzy Osbourne Accidentally Featured In New Post Malone Song

ENTERTAINMENT | September 6th, 2019 11:14 AM

Post Malone released a new song today, titled “Take What You Want,” and it’s making news, not for its snazzy melodies or fetching beat, but for its septuagenarian collaborator, Ozzy Osbourne. However, although the heavy metal icon contributes the chorus to the track, his involvement seems to have been purely accidental. Post states that he was in the studio working on the new song when Ozzy stumbled through the door wearing “choo-choo train” pajamas and mumbling something about Tony Iommi’s “weird fingers.” “He didn’t seem to be sleepwalking, but he clearly didn’t know where he was,” Post says.

After a bit of aimless wandering, Osbourne found his way to the microphone and began belting out an impromptu vocal performance. A studio intern recorded most of the audio, saying, “After a few lines, I recognized that it was all new material, and it fit perfectly with the music on the track we were already recording.” After he was finished singing, Ozzy muttered, “Prince of Darkness, signing off,” as he wobbled out toward the parking lot.

About the collaboration, Post says he’s indifferent, but he heard once that it’s best to let someone in that state just go about their business.

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