New Atomic Model Looks Exactly Like Original Beatles Drummer Pete Best

TECHNOLOGY | October 14th, 2019 7:58 AM

Each day, scientific discoveries build upon each other and propel us further into the superhero-movie-filled future our ancestors always hoped for. Sometimes these developments necessitate the obsolescence of previous theories. Not too long ago, we thought diseases were caused by smells and the earth was a globe hurtling through space, but now we know that you invite disease by angering the corresponding deity and our planet is a flat hexagon embedded in a cedar patio table around which our benevolent overlords sit and peer at our wanderings through a slightly frosted glass dome. Today, scientists are proposing a revision to the model of an atom, and it bears a striking resemblance to the original Beatles drummer Pete Best.

The prevailing atomic model has gone through numerous revisions over time, including the recognizable Bohr model and the most recent quantum mechanical model. Using newly developed quantum computing algorithms, researchers at the University of South-Southeast Idaho have produced the latest atomic model, which they’re calling the Best model.

Upon viewing a rendering of the model, at first you could have said that it resembled any number of white males of European ancestry, but upon closer inspection, it was impossible to overlook the rhythm it possessed. Further experimentation is needed to determine if this new model will impact our current understanding of quantum theory, and already there are scientists of a competing ideology running simulations of yet another model, the Starr model, which they believe will be a better fit in the long run.

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