Miami Dolphins To Become 30th MLS Team in 2022

SPORTS | October 25th, 2019 7:00 AM

The Sacramento Republic Football Club was announced earlier this week as the 29th MLS team on the way to the planned 30-team expansion. The league currently sits at 24 teams and plans to add teams in Miami, Nashville, Austin, St. Louis, and now Sacramento by 2022, but until today it remained a mystery which team would take the final expansion position. Early this morning, MLS commissioner Don Garber held a joint press conference with the commissioner of the NFL, Roger Goodell, to reveal that the NFL’s Miami Dolphins would be switching leagues--and sports--to become the 30th MLS team in 2022, making them the second MLS expansion team in Miami.

Dolphins owner Stephen M. Ross reportedly contacted Garber about the potential switch shortly after Miami’s week-two shutout loss to the New England Patriots, which itself came on the heels of week one’s 59-10 blowout loss at the hands of the Baltimore Ravens. “If we’re going to be humiliated, I’d rather do it with less people watching,” Ross said after the press conference.

The Miami Dolphins are currently one of the NFL’s two remaining winless teams this season, with a point differential of minus 148--nearly double that of the next-lowest differential--over the six games they’ve played. Rumor has it that the NFL’s other winless team, the Cincinnati Bengals, also requested to join MLS, but unfortunately there was only one spot open.

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