Matt Schaub A Big Rhyme Enthusiast

SPORTS | December 2nd, 2014 1:56 PM

Some people like fly fishing. Others collect 19th-century porcelain dolls. Matt Schaub of the Oakland Raiders loves a mad rhyme. The former Houston Texans quarterback enjoys the way a good rhyme rolls off the tongue so much that he's taken to throwing interceptions in hopes they'll be returned for touchdowns. For the out-of-touch readers, this situation is referred to as a "pick-six," derived from the American "pick," meaning "interception," and the word "six," referring to the number of points awarded for a touchdown.

Schaub's growing interest in the literary device began last season with the Texans, where he set an NFL record for consecutive games with a pick-six. This week, he got the opportunity to further his interest as he played in his second game for the Raiders in their blowout loss to the St. Louis Rams. Though he played for less than a quarter, Schaub nonetheless managed to throw his first of hopefully many pick-sixes this season.

Schaub is reportedly so committed to the perpetuation of rhymes that he doesn't mind that "pick-six" is only a near rhyme. To him, even getting close is worth the fight.

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