Leftover Taco Wednesday Slightly More Satisfying Than Taco Tuesday

LIFESTYLE | November 29th, 2014 5:02 PM

A nationwide poll revealed today that the vast majority of American food consumers are in favor of Leftover Taco Wednesday over previously popular Taco Tuesday. The widely recognized holiday Taco Tuesday, which originated as a weekly Aztec sacrificial ritual, is now one of the most celebrated events in households across the country. However, the modern follow-up holiday Leftover Taco Wednesday, which originated from an over-excited single father making way too many tacos for only himself and his daughter who ended up eating her friend Melissa's that night, has quickly become much more enjoyable for the American people.

While U.S. families still enjoy celebrating Taco Tuesday every week, most are now looking forward to the next day with much more eagerness. Although many people agree that freshly prepared tacos have more flavor, they also agree that the extra effort of cooking and preparing them from scratch makes it slightly less satisfying. Americans agree that coming home from a long day at work on Wednesday afternoon is much more relaxing when you know you don't have to worry about making dinner, and all you have to do is microwave the remaining tacos that are in the fridge.

"I love eating fresh tacos with my family," local mother of eight children with a neglectful father, Rebecca Winfield told us in an exclusive interview, "It's definitely worth all the time it takes to buy the ingredients, cook the food, and put it all together. But, even as I'm eating on Tuesday evening, all I can think about is how I won't need to prepare anything the next evening and I get excited all over again. I even try to eat conservatively to save as many leftover tacos as I can."

Bobby "Big Liver" Pindleton, a local college student, also provided a statement explaining his take on the holidays. "I spend all Tuesday morning dreading the time and effort I'm gonna use to make all those tacos later with my annoying roommates, but I spend all Wednesday morning looking forward to the comfort and simplicity of microwaved fridge tacos."

Even though Leftover Taco Wednesday is now the more popular holiday in our nation, some citizens still hold onto the tradition of loving Taco Tuesday, and some still do not even recognize the new follow-up celebration. "My family never has any leftovers on Wednesday," adamant Taco Tuesday supporter Sergio Cruz said as he stood up for his heritage and values. "We usually just pick up a couple taco twelve packs from Taco Bell anyway."

All of the recent fervor over these two popular festivities has almost completely overshadowed the emergence of new holidays that some Americans have come to recognize such as Salad Sunday, Meatloaf Monday, Three Cheese Baked Eggs with Roasted Peppers Thursday, Filet Mignon Fridays, and Cinnamon Toast Crunch Saturday.

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