Fresh Fitness Fad Capitalizes On CrossFit Craze

LIFESTYLE | October 4th, 2019 8:08 AM

It’s no mystery why CrossFit has become such a popular fitness sensation over the past few years: flipping large, strange objects; jumping on tall, unsteady stacks of loose blocks; performing all manner of outlandish and uncomfortable pull-ups--what’s not to love? Hoping to feed off the CrossFit craze, Keith Hargraveson, an undergraduate kinesiology major, has partnered with local agriculturalist, Bob Bozantos, to create a new fitness innovation that they call CropFit.

The program incorporates fundamental motions from the agriculture industry to achieve the optimal benefit to your physique. Example exercises include the Bend and Gather, the Reach and Pick, and the Stand All Day. “These are just essential movements that many Americans no longer experience,” Hargraveson explains. “Not to mention the restorative effect it has on modern aches and pains like Selfie Arm or Scrolling Thumb.”

But the benefits of CropFit don’t stop there. Bozantos touts the support the routine provides for local farms. “We currently have dozens of local farms in our network, and more and more are signing on every day,” says Bozantos. “It’s great for the industry. They’re all falling over each other to provide you with as much fitness opportunity as you can handle. My buddy Bill just added a nice addition onto his house.”

The program will run you $60 per person per month, and lest you worry about future rate increases, Bozantos assured me with a chuckle and a winning grin that they will do everything they can to ensure that they deliver the lowest pricing possible.

Hargraveson provided a sample beginner’s routine, which you can check out below:

Day 1
Exercise Reps Rest
Bend and Gather As many as you can do in 10 hours None
Day 2
Exercise Reps Rest
Bend and Gather As many as you can do in 10 hours None
Day 3
Exercise Reps Rest
Bend and Gather As many as you can do in 10 hours None
Day 4
Exercise Reps Rest
Bend and Gather As many as you can do in 10 hours None
Day 5
Exercise Reps Rest
Bend and Gather As many as you can do in 10 hours None
Day 6
Exercise Reps Rest
Reach and Pick As many as you can do in 10 hours None
Day 7: Recovery
Exercise Duration Rest
Tractor Plow 12 hours None

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