Antonio Brown Suspended From Crochet Guild Of America

SPORTS | September 23rd, 2019 8:53 AM

The news broke Friday that the New England Patriots had cut star wide receiver Antonio Brown following a pair of sexual assault allegations and the release of some troubling texts he sent to one of his accusers. After returning to his Miami home, Brown tweeted Sunday morning that he will no longer be playing in the NFL. Amid his frustration, he said he had decided to dedicate his time to what is arguably his greatest passion, crocheting little hats for cats.

However, shortly after his wooly intentions were aired via an Instagram post which included his cat Snugglebottom wearing a crocheted shark’s head featuring hearts for eyes and a tiny monocle, he was notified via a snazzy crocheted telegram that he was suspended from his local chapter of the Crochet Guild of America.

“Mr. Brown may be one of the best crocheters in the country, but we uphold the highest standards for our members,” a CGOA spokesperson said in a statement released early Monday morning. Brown now has an uphill battle if he wishes to someday be considered for the CGOA Hall of Fame.

While Brown is now without an NFL team and a crocheting guild, we still await official action from both the NFL and the American Craft Council regarding his alleged misconduct.

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